Intramuscular electrostimulation as adjuvanttreatment um stiff-person syndrom
case report
The stiff-personsyndromeis a rarediseaseofthe central nervous system, with no focal signs, underdiagnosed, more prevalent in women, between 30 and 60 yearsold, characterizedbyintermittent, painful, andprogressivestiffnessand muscular spasmofthetrunkandlimbs. The autoimmuneoriginofthisconditionisconsidered, given its frequentassociationwithinsulin-dependent diabetes andthepresenceofantibodiesagainst 65- kDa glutamicaciddecarboxylase in 60–80% oftheseindividuals. It alsomanifests as paraneoplasticsyndrome, associatedwiththyroidandthymustumors. The authorsreportthe case of a 41-year-old male patientwithgeneralizedspasticmusclecontracture, precededbythymoma, withprogressive motor andventilatoryrepercussions, treatedwithpharmacotherapyandelectroacupuncture.
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