Mental health in healthcare workers in front of the coronavírus pandemic
The study proposes an integrative review of the literature about the main impacts related to the mental health of the health worker during the pandemic of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19). The review was carried out using the databases of PUBMED, LILACS, MEDLINE and SciElo, using the descriptors “workers” and “covid” and “mental health.” 20 articles, based on empirical research, from the year 2020 were included and analyzed Research has shown that health professionals who are in the front line, in direct contact with people infected with the virus, are more vulnerable to the psychological impacts caused by the pandemic. It is concluded that the early recognition of emotional suffering, the investment in services mental health and long-term care for health professionals are of paramount importance to minimize negative impacts and promote the mental health of the worker who is at the forefront of the pandemic.
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