Graves orbitopathy

advances in ophthalmic and surgical treatment


  • Roberto Murillo Limongi Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), CEROF-HC-UFG, Centro Brasileiro de Cirurgia de Olhos (CBCO) Autor


exophthalmos, etiology, surgery, eyelids, abnormalities, Graves disease, complications


Graves ‘ Orbitopathy is an autoimmune disease in which lymphocytes act incorrectly and attack different organs of the body, including the orbital tissues. Inflammation and swelling produced in these tissues increases the volume of fat and the muscles become thickened. Thus, the eyeball is moved forward and promotes the “exoftalmus” or proptosis. In addition, the involvement of extrinsic eye muscles can lead to strabismus and of the eyelids can lead to eyelid retraction, the sign more prevalent of this disease. This article reviews what’s new in terms of surgical treatment for this disease. Furthermore, it addresses the therapy from the point of view of the ophthalmologist.



How to Cite

Limongi RM. Graves orbitopathy: advances in ophthalmic and surgical treatment. Rev Goiana Med [Internet]. 2012 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];42(3):16-8. Available from: