Vol. 66 No. 67 (2025): Goiana Journal of Medicine

					View Vol. 66 No. 67 (2025): Goiana Journal of Medicine

Scientific dissemination platform
In this edition of the Revista Goiana de Medicina, we reinforce the importance of scientific research, aligning with the expectations of its readers. With each issue, Revista Goiana de Medicina strives to be a useful and up-to-date tool, connected to the desires and challenges faced by the medical community of Goiás. An official publication of the Goiás Medical Association (AMG), the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás (FM/UFG), and the Goiás Academy of Medicine (AGM), our journal reaffirms its position as an important platform for scientific dissemination in the state. We invite everyone who wishes to share their work, discoveries, and reflections to be part of these pages that value and promote the excellence of Medicine in Goiás.

Published: 2025-02-20

Case Report

  • 121 uterine fibroids myomectomies as conservative surgeries

    Waldemar Naves do Amaral, Mariana Mérida de Souza, Nicolas Felipe Machado, Giovanna Vasconcellos Barboza de Souza, Amanda Lyvia Almirante da Silva (Autor)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.63162/v66n67e24239
  • Extensive uterine myomatosis in a woman with spinal muscular atrophy case report

    Waldemar Naves Amaral, Mariana Mérida de Souza, Nicolas Felipe Machado, Giovanna Vasconcellos Barboza de Souza, Amanda Lyvia Almirante da Silva (Autor)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.63162/v66n67e24240